I first created this poster which reveals the two main characters of Morgan and his imaginary friend.
Personally, I felt that this poster lacked interest although including various conventions such as the billing block and the tag line. Therefore, I decided to re-create my film poster to make it more interesting and eye catching.
Final Film Poster:
Therefore, I decided to change the image to a key scene in the film trailer which reveals the two characters looking at each other. Additionally, I decided to add a slight glow around the character of the imaginary friend to add interest and make the character more mysterious .
The final poster below reveals the tag line, 'he's here or its all in my head.' This connotes to the audience that the character with the glow is potentially a ghost or imaginary which reflects the psychological genre of the film. Additionally, as a. group we decided to enhance the title of the film and Megan created a larger glow around the phrase 'elude' to reflect how Morgan is alone. Additionally, I decided to change the social media platform to Instagram due to being a popular media form for our youthful target audience.